
Standalones are about being inside the zeros

Standalones are individual Fancy serial numbers that are contained within zeros.

CS-Stand Alones are all about being surrounded by zeros. At least one 0 must be at each end of the FSN, M 06666660 M or M 00022000 M. There may be between two and seven zeros in a CS-Stand Alone.

CS-Stand Alone Singles.
CS-Stand Alone Singles are a single digit surrounded by zeros M 00010000 M.

CS-Stand Alone Pair.
A CS-Stand Alone Pair is a CS-Pair surrounded by zeros.

CS-Stand Alone Triple.
With a CS-Stand Alone Triple the digits other than zeros must be a CS-Triple. That means three of the same number grouped together and surrounded by zeros, M 03330000 M.

CS-Stand Alone Quad.
With a CS-Stand Alone Quad there must be a CS-Quad grouped together and surrounded by zeros, M 00044440 M.

CS-Stand Alone Quint.
With a CS-Stand Alone Quint there must be a CS-Quint grouped together and surrounded by zeros, M 00555550 M.

CS-Stand Alone Sextup.
CS-Stand Alone Sextup M 06666660 M is a CS-Sextup, surrounded by zeros and starting at position 2. This is also a CS-Radar.

CS-Stand Alone Repeaters.
CS-Stand Alone Repeater is a CS-Repeater that is inside zeros M 00121200 M. There can be two or three numbers that repeat.

CS-Stand Alone Double Repeater.
A CS-Stand Alone Double Repeater is two CS-2OAKs that repeat two or three times within zeros M 01212000 M.

CS-Stand Alone Tri-Double Repeater
CS-Stand Alone Tri-Double Repeater M 01212120 M is three CS-2OAKs that repeat three times within zeros, and the repeater starts at position 2.

CS-Stand Alone Tri Repeater.
A CS-Stand Alone Tri Repeater is three CS-2OAKs or a CS-2OAK and a CS- 4OAK that repeat within zeros, M 0 123 123 0 M or M 0 221 221 0 M. There can be two of the same CS-2OAKs but not three.

CS-Stand Alone Mini 3 Radar.
A CS-Stand Alone Mini Radar 3 is a digit surrounded by a CS-2OAK which is surrounded by zeros M 00121000 M. This is also a CS-Mini 3 Radar surrounded by zeros.

CS-Stand Alone Mini 4 Radar.
A CS-Stand Alone Mini Radar4 is a CS-Pair surrounded by a CS-2OAK which is surrounded by zeros M 00122100 M. This is also a CS-Mini 4 Radar surrounded by zeros.

CS-Stand Alone Mini 5 Radar.
A CS-Stand Alone Mini Radar 5 is a CS-Mini 5 Radar. A CS-2OAK and CS- 3OAK alternating, grouped and is surrounded by zeros M 00121210 M.

CS-Stand Alone Tri Radar.
CS-Stand Alone Tri Radar is a CS-Triple surrounded by a CS-2OAK which s surrounded by zeros, M 00122210 M. This is also a CS-Mini 5 Radar surrounded by zeros.

CS-Stand Alone Quad Radar.
CS-Stand Alone Quad Radar is a CS-Radar surrounded by zeros. These can be three CS-2OAKs, M 01233210 M, or this can also be a CS-Quad and a CS- 2OAK surrounded by zeros M 01444410 M.

CS-Stand Alone Date.
CS-Stand Alone Date is a month and day surrounded by zeros, the two basic date formats are U.S. and C.C. ~ mm/dd and INTL. dd/mm.

CS-Stand Alone Date U.S. and INTL.
With the U.S. and C.C. date formats are mm/dd and can be anywhere within the FSN as long as they are surrounded by zeros M 01125000 M.

CS-Stand Alone Date E.U.
With the CS-INTL. date formats are dd/mm and can be anywhere within the FSN as long as they are surrounded by zeros.

CS-Stand Alone Year.
With a CS-Stand Alone Year it must be a 4-digit year and surrounded by zeros.

CS-Stand Alone Date Year.
With these types of notes the year is shortened by the first two digits of that year I.e. the year 1971 becomes 71, and they follow the formats of the countries;
Type 1: mm/dd/yy ~ U.S. (United States date format) M mm/dd/yy M.
Type 2: dd/mm/yy ~ E.U. (European date format) M dd/mm/yy M.
Type 3: yy/mm/dd ~ INTL. (International date format) M yy/mm/dd M,

Note: Type 3 is really only used by China and Canada.

CS-Stand Alone U.S. Date Year.
CS-Stand Alone Date Year is a day, month and mini year surrounded by zeros M 01225710 M the format is mm/dd/yy ~ 12/25/71 ~ Dec. 25th 1971.

CS-Stand Alone E.U. Date Year.
CS-Stand Alone Date Year is a day, month and mini year surrounded by zeros M 01225710 M the format is dd/mm/yy ~ 25/12/71 ~ 25th Dec. 1971.

CS-Stand Alone INTL. Date Year.
CS-Stand Alone Date Year is a day, month and mini year surrounded by zeros M 01225710 M the format is yy/mm/dd ~ 71/12/25 ~ 1971 Dec. 25th.

CS-Stand Alone Mini ladder.
A CS-Stand Alone Mini ladder is a CS-Mini Ladder surrounded by zeros, as long at there is a minimum of two numbers that are grouped together and count up or down, M 01200000 M or M 00012300 M. We are only including the more popular ones here.

CS-Stand Alone Mini Up Ladder 4.
A CS-Stand Alone Mini Up Ladder 4 is four digits that are grouped together that count up and are surrounded by zeros, M 0123400 M.

CS-Stand Alone Mini Down Ladder 4.
A CS-Stand Alone Mini Down Ladder 4 is four digits that are grouped together that count down and are surrounded by zeros M 0432100 M.

CS-Stand Alone Mini Up Ladder 5.
A CS-Stand Alone Mini Up Ladder 5 is five digits that are grouped together that count up and are surrounded by zeros M 000123450 M.

CS-Stand Alone Mini Down Ladder 5.
A CS-Stand Alone Mini Down Ladder 5 is five digits that are grouped together that count down and are surrounded by zeros M 05432100 M.

CS-Stand Alone Mini Up Ladder 6.
CS-Stand Alone Mini Up Ladder 6 M 01234560 M there are six digits that are grouped together and count up with zeros in positions 1 and 8.

CS-Stand Alone Mini Down Ladder 6.
A CS-Stand Alone Mini Down Ladder 6 M 06543210 M there are six digits that are grouped together and count down with zeros in positions 1 and 8.

Note: This page contains excerpts and basic information from the book "The Green Guide to Fancy Serial Numbers". Please consider adding a copy to your library, thank you.

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