Binaries and Trinaries.

2 digits or 3, they are all fun.

The basics are these: Binaries have 2 digits and Trinaries have 3 digits that are the same.

CS-Binaries and CS-Trinaries are really popular with collectors and are usually the reason people get into the hobby. The uniqueness of the Notes draw attention as being unusual, and the average person will tuck them into a scrapbook, whereas the collector knows the rarity and collectability.

CS-True Binary.
A CS-True Binary must contain both 0s and 1s and no other numbers.

A CS-Binary contains only two numbers, and those numbers can be any number in any order.

CS-True Double Quad Binary.
A CS-True Double Quad Binary has two sets of CS-Quads, and the CS-Quads are made up of 0s and 1s. There are only two types of CS-True

CS-Random Double Quad Binary.
A CS-Random Double Quad Binary has two sets of CS-4OAKs and can be any two numbers.

CS-Trinary contains three numbers in any position.

Note: This page contains excerpts and basic information from the book "The Green Guide to Fancy Serial Numbers". Please consider adding a copy to your library, thank you.

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The Green Guide of Fancy serial Numbers

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